Tuesday, August 20, 2013

3 more free practice scrambled paragraphs: sundews, torpor, FAPs

Answers are below the exercises:

Sundews are sticky flypaper plants.

_____ (Q) Insects that land on the leaves stick fast and are digested. 

_____ (R) The glands exude attractive nectar, adhesive compounds, and digestive enzymes. 

_____ (S) Often nearby glandular tentacles are stimulated and also adhere to the insect, and on many species the entire leaf coils around the prey. 

_____ (T) They bear long tentacles on their leaves, and these stalks are tipped with glands which are often brightly colored.

_____ (U) These motions are usually slow, taking minutes or hours to occur.


(Even though this video's title contains a glaring grammar error, it's a good video.  Obviously it should say: A carnivorous plant eats bugs.)

The general term for the period of inactivity experienced by some mammals in winter is “dormancy,” which includes more specific terms such as “hibernation” and “torpor.” 

_____ (Q) True hibernation means that an animal’s metabolism turns off to the point that its body temperature nearly matches that of the environment around it. 

_____ (R) During this time, an animal's heart rate, breathing rate and metabolism slow down considerably. 

_____ (S) And in winter, this means that body temperatures can drop to nearly freezing.  

_____ (T) Contrary to popular belief, however, most of the mammals that hole up for the winter do not actually hibernate. 

_____ (U) The term hibernation applies to only a very small portion of mammals – for instance, a few species of bats and some rodents like the marmot. 


(As you read above, bears do not really hibernate - what they experience is more closely described as 'torpor.' So the following video shouldn't really say that bears are hibernating, but everything else in the video is ok. :P)

All animals function - to some degree - on instinct: from the tiniest slug, to the largest elephant, to the brainiest human, we all are inherently inclined to perform certain behaviors. 

_____ (Q) This is an innate behavior that is triggered by some sort of sign stimulus and - once initiated - will run to completion. 

_____ (R) However, Konrad Lorenz discovered that it will complete this action even if the egg is removed during the behavior: the goose will simply continue with the behavior as if the egg was still there.

_____ (S) If an egg is displaced from the nest, the bird will reflexively roll the egg back to the nest with its beak. 

_____ (T) One of the best known examples is the behavior of the nesting Graylag Goose. 

_____ (U) The simplest form of instinct is a fixed-action-pattern.


Answers are below:


sundews ----> 3,2,4,1,5      Q=3, R=2, S=4, T=1, U=5

bear torpor ------> 4,1,5,2,3

fixed action patterns -----> 2,5,4,3,1